Privacy Policy

At Tuli Imports, we value your privacy and follow a strict privacy policy to ensure that your personal information is not accessed by a third party. Your information will always be safe in our hands and will never be subject to breaches or leaks of any kind.

What data do we collect?

Contact Forms

We gather information from all our prospective clients via custom contact forms. We use the information to keep them updated regarding our new launches, sales, etc.


Your personal information including your name, address, phone number, email address, etc., will be collected at checkout. This personal data will be used to process your order and support your experience throughout the website.


To improve customer experience, we collect information indirectly through cookies. We have set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices like font size, language and other browser preferences.

Session cookies are removed after each visit and persistent cookies are saved for a longer duration. If you select “Remember Me”, cookies will save your login information. Once you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed.

How do we use your personal information?

  1. All the information provided by you is used to fulfil the order placed through the website and to provide you with customised support.
  2. The contact information will be used to establish a direct line of communication. That way we can regularly send updates regarding our price cuts and new launches.
  3. Using your information like IP addresses we do security checks to detect frauds.

Who do we share your data with?

All your personal information will be saved within our encrypted database and will not be accessible to third parties.

  1. But we will share your information with our delivery partners to complete your order.
  2. We might also share your information in case of circumstances mandated by the law or to adhere to government regulations. We can share your information to prevent fraud, and to respond to lawful requests like search warrants.

What rights do you have over your data?


At any point, you can demand an exported file of your personal data we have with us.


You also have the authority to request the erasure of all your personal information from our database. But this excludes any information that we are meant to store for legal or security purposes.


To make any updates to your personal information like a phone number or delivery address, you can reach us at and request an update.

How do we protect your data?

All information shared with us is stored in a secure database where it will be safe against leaks, breaches and unauthorised access of any kind. We also use encryption and multi-factor authentication to protect your data from being accessed by third parties.

How to raise questions regarding privacy policy?

In case you have any doubts or concerns regarding our privacy policy, you can reach our online privacy coordinator at

Updates To Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy is subject to updates whenever required. We at Tuli Imports have the full right to undertake such updates without any proper notice. Every time you access our website, you give your consent to the updated version of the privacy policy. So, make sure to go through it before you give consent.